Helms & Company provides management services for businesses and associations. Services may include comprehensive business management, administrative support, technology assistance, workgroup facilitation and more.
• New Hampshire Health Plan, (NHHP)
Helms manages the $40M state High Risk Pool and the $70M federal Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP). NHHP signed the first CMS contract for the PCIP program (the first initiative of the Accountable Care Act) and enrolled the first subscriber in the nation.
• New Hampshire Imaging Services, Inc. (NHIS)
Helms created and managed this joint venture of 13 member hospitals and one multi-specialty group practice, providing mobile MRI and PET services to 15 sites in New Hampshire and Vermont, with over $10M in annual revenue.
• New Hampshire Lithotripter Center, Inc. (NHLC)
Helms created and managed this mobile Lithotripter service to 21 sites in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine with $1.5M in annual revenue.
• Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (BHN)
Helms developed and ran this managed behavioral health care company, a for-profit, provider-owned corporation of 10 mental health centers and five acute care hospitals, with $26M in annual revenue. Through full risk, ASO and EAP contracts, BHN provided mental health and substance abuse services throughout northern New England. In 2006, Helms & Company brokered the sale of the Behavioral Health Network to a Fortune 100 company, creating substantial return for its owners.
• Integrated Eye Care, Inc. (IEC)
Helms created and provided management, marketing, and payer relations services to a statewide, ophthalmology-directed routine vision care network, including ophthalmologists, affiliated optometrists, and opticians.
• Rural Home Care Network, LLC (RHCN)
Helms created and now manages this eight member collaborative of not-for-profit rural home health agencies located in central and northern New Hampshire.
• VNA Health System of Northern New England, Inc. (VNAHSNNE)
Helms manages this consortium of the six largest VNA agencies serving New Hampshire, Vermont, and Southern Maine, which collectively represent $120M in annual revenue.
• VNA Health System of VT, Inc. (VNAHSVT)
Helms manages this consortium of nine VT VNAs, which collectively generate $106M in annual revenue.
• NH Community Behavioral Health Association (NHCBHA)
Helms provides consulting and management services in organizational development, communication strategies, legislative relations, and financial management for an association of New Hampshire’s 10 mental health centers, which collectively earn over $90M annually.
• New England Alliance for Health (NEAH)
Helms provides network support including physician benchmarking, payer contract support, strategic Board support and other related services to NEAH’s 14 health institutions (12 hospitals, a Community Mental Health Center and a VNA) that serve NH and VT.
• New Hampshire Vaccine Association (NHVA)
Helms serves as the administrator for the NHVA. This includes responsibility for the payer assessment and collections processes, payments to the State of New Hampshire, vendor management, governance support, and finances.
• Washington Vaccine Association (WVA)
Helms serves as the administrator for the WVA. This includes responsibility for the administration of the dosage based assessment (DBA) process, finances and financial modeling, payments to the State of Washington, analytics, and governance support.
Other Joint Venture and/or Management Projects
• ACO development and team management
• Program management of the state mandated Child Impact Program, in collaboration with the State of NH Judicial Branch, through the Administrative Offices of the Courts
• Financial management for several Maine Department of Health and Human Services Mental Health programs
• Developed a joint venture for high quality radiology services in New Hampshire